We had some trouble with filming in our assigned session due to scheduling, but we have decided that we are going to use the camera when it was available for pick-up shots in order to get the last amount of footage we need. Although it has been stressful trying to figure out when we can use the camera again, I am confident that everything will work out fine and we will be able to get the rest of the filming done. I am thankful that we have different positions for everyone in our group. This design evens out the work that needs to be done and allows each member to focus on their specific tasks; and come time to meet on Thursdays, it is easier to bring together everyone's progress and ideas concerning different elements of the film.
We also made some changes to our screenplay. We decided that the screenplay we had was good in its ideas, but it was not realistic to the time limit requirement and resources that were available to us. These last minute changes might put more stress on the group, but I think that in the end, it will prove to be better for the outcome of our project.
We also discussed some other last minute tasks that need to be taken care of, including the signing off on the production papers. I will go to our filming location this week and try to get the approval. I think these points just about cover what we accomplished in this past group meeting. Even though my group still has a ways to go before we can breathe sighs of relief, I think that the direction we are moving in is positive. We can only move forward from here!
Argh -- waiting for the camera! Equipment is the one thing that independent filmmakers have the least control over. I know it's frustrating.